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British Caving Library

Covid Update, Feb 2022

List of interviews recorded by unknown

Click on a title to listen to an interview, on the interviewee to see a list of their interviews, and on the interviewer to see a list of their interviews.

Title Interviewee Interviewer Duration
Diving at Boreham Cave and the discovery of the "China Shop" Geoff Yeadon Sid Perou 05:06
Tribute to Oliver Lloyd Peter Haggett none 02:42
Tribute to Oliver Lloyd Tom Hewer none 05:24
Tribute to Oliver Lloyd Bob Savage none 15:19
Tribute to Oliver Lloyd Kenneth Mobbs none 07:13
Wessex singing 'Aint a gonna dig this cave no longer' Wessex Cave Club none 01:21
Wessex singing 'Boulder Have a Crunch' Wessex Cave Club none 01:55
Wessex singing an unknown song Wessex Cave Club none 01:17
The opening of the ACG & AS Museum Herbert Balch none 13:53
The opening of the ACG & AS Museum Herbert Balch none 09:51
The opening of the ACG & AS Museum - Introduction Herbert Balch none 07:21
Doug Nash on mining part 1 Doug Nash Eyam Museum 16:21
Doug Nash on mining part 2 Doug Nash Eyam Museum 25:18
Doug Nash on mining part 3 Doug Nash Eyam Museum 16:11

No of interviews: 14.   Duration of interviews: 2 hours 9 minutes 12 seconds

See a list of all the recordists who have contributed to the archive