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British Caving Library

Covid Update, Feb 2022

List of interviews conducted by Andy Chapman

Click on a title to listen to an interview, on the interviewee to see a list of their interviews, and on the recordist to see a list of their interviews.

Title Interviewee Recordist Duration
Early days Bob Toogood Ben Wright 11:33
A mile in Agen Allwedd Bob Toogood Ben Wright 04:38
Climbing exploits Bob Toogood Ben Wright 04:17
Veteran fell runner Bob Toogood Ben Wright 03:12
Caving in Matienzo Bob Toogood Ben Wright 01:58
Beginnings and explorations in Mossdale Caverns Alan & Dave Brook Ben Wright 06:14
Further work in Mossdale Caverns Alan & Dave Brook Ben Wright 10:18
Explorations in Langcliffe Pot Alan & Dave Brook Ben Wright 09:49
Exploration of Hangmans Hole Alan & Dave Brook Ben Wright 02:41
Exploration in Sleets Gill Cave Alan & Dave Brook Ben Wright 05:01
Exploration of Black Shiver Pot Alan & Dave Brook Ben Wright 04:01
Discovery of the Kingsdale Master Cave Alan & Dave Brook Ben Wright 05:42
The Three Counties System and The Mohole Alan & Dave Brook Ben Wright 04:33
Caving in Papua New Guinea Alan & Dave Brook Ben Wright 09:22
Caving in the Berger and the PSM Alan & Dave Brook Ben Wright 06:11
Memories of Mike Boon Bill Steele Ben Wright 04:46

No of interviews: 16.   Duration of interviews: 1 hour 34 minutes 16 seconds

See a list of all the interviewers who have contributed to the archive